If you have hired this company before, your price has not changed. The prices shown below are for new clients.
- Language editing: 3.2 cents per word or 2 rubles/word
(the word count does not include literary references, long literary citations [Author, year], numerical data in methods, and contents of tables)
- Questions about corrections: free of charge
- Response letter, advanced editing: 1.5 times the price of language editing
(help with difficult comments; validity of responses is verified; the word count includes reviewers' comments, which are not edited; literary references and quotations from the manuscript are not counted)
- Re-editing after a complaint about English from a journal or peer-reviewer (for manuscripts previously edited by Shevchuk Editing): one-third of the price of language editing
(free of charge if a certificate was obtained for this version of the manuscript)
- Re-editing of the whole manuscript after major revisions (for manuscripts previously edited by Shevchuk Editing): half the price of language editing (or regular price for changed parts of the manuscript)
- Manual translation from Russian to English: 2.5 times the price of language editing
(all document formatting is preserved; the word count does not include literary references, long literary citations [Author, year], numerical data in methods, and contents of tables)
- Translation from Russian to English with the help of Google Translate: 2 times the price of language editing
(all formatting is preserved; the word count does not include literary references, long literary citations [Author, year], numerical data in methods, and contents of tables)
- Rephrasing of an English text (to prevent self-plagiarism): 1.5 times the price of language editing
- Translation of a long botanical description or a long list of geographical names from Russian to English: this service is not provided; this work does not require good knowledge of English and involves copying and pasting word by word from a dictionary or a map. Almost anyone can do this. Instructions for translation of Russian geographical names into English can be found here.
- Copyediting (for high-quality texts and galley proofs): half the price of language editing
(the word count does not include literary references, long literary citations [Author, year], numerical data in methods, and contents of tables)
- An urgent order: the service has to be performed within 24 hours; such orders involve a 30% surcharge for urgency (lately, urgent orders have not been possible owing to constant overloads)
- Verification of a translation (via comparison of Russian and English documents): this service is not provided
Why are these prices low? Shevchuk Editing is a small company with little or no overhead. These prices roughly correspond to the money that freelancers are paid at large editing companies. Does this mean that editing quality is lower? Not necessarily, as explained in this article. Request a price quote today!
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