To place an order, please include the following information in the e-mail message:
• services that you wish to order
• name of the journal (optional)
• deadline (when you need the corrected text)
• British English or U.S. English
• any other preferences
Send your document to and include all figures, figure captions, tables, and literary references. This needs to be a final version of a finished manuscript (not a work in progress). The list of literary references and contents of tables are not edited and not included in the cost of work, but they are useful for editing. Long lists of numerical data (as in organic chemistry papers) are not edited either. If the size of your files is greater than 10 megabytes, then you might consider zipping them together, uploading the zip file to a file-sharing website or cloud storage, and sending the link by e-mail.
After that, you will receive a price quote and approximate deadline. If you agree with the conditions, Shevchuk Editing will proceed to fulfill your order. You will have to pay within 7 days after the receipt of completed work.
To pay a PayPal invoice, you don’t need a confirmed account: you can use most types of credit and debit cards. If you live in Russia, the preferred method of payment is either a funds transfer via Sberbank Online or a Sberbank ATM (automated teller machine), Bank Otkrytie Online, or Sistema Bystryh Platezhey (you will receive the instructions along with an invoice). After fulfilling your order, Shevchuk Editing will also give you a language certificate if you send the manuscript in for a final quick check before submission to a journal. Shevchuk Editing will use the automatic "compare documents" function of Microsoft Word to find all new changes and to edit them quickly. If there are few changes from the previous version, then this quick final check will be free of charge. The final check and certificate are usually provided within several hours (if there are few changes).
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